Welcome and introduction by Chairman - Simon Lake
Tony Kirwan, Trottie Kirwan, Hazel Furness
Review minutes of previous AGM
Read to all by Chairman, all agreed and signed off by Chairman
Chairman’s report
Reflecting on the last year with numerous popular events, users returning and increasing despite forced increase in charges due to rising costs.
Welcoming new committee members.
Sub-committee successfully raising money through car boot sales and grants has resulted in new play equipment to be purchased and installed in June 2023.
Further improvement to the building and planned works on the roof valleys.
Thanking the committee for their hard work and support over the past year.
A thank you to Tony Kirwan for his all hard work, sadly who has decided to stand down from the committee, he has been a valued member and our green energy saltwort.
Treasurer's report
First full year of trading and activity since the closure due to Covid. All previous hirers have returned plus a couple of new ones.
Due to increasing costs, the cost of hiring was increased for the first time since 2013.
Breakdown of income and expenditure presented by Carole Treasurer
Questions on report
Q – A resident asked what is expected for the next financial year as the last year has seen the village hall running at a loss.
A - Simon and Carole believes this is down to increasing electricity and oil costs and the continued improvements made to the hall. The film night is running at a loss but it is felt by all that this offers some in our community an opportunity to enjoy an evening out locally and is a good social event. It is hoped with the new website and better advertising this will increase.
Q – A resident asks for clarification on the siting of the new play equipment installation as concerned of the close proximity to his boundary.
A – Simon has said that a meeting is set for the 3rd May to meet with Wickstead, the supplier of the equipment, regarding installation. It is planned for the new equipment to replace the condemned existing tower and to sit within the existing foot print. It is not planned to be any closer to the neighbouring boundary but it will become much clearer after the meeting.
Q – Secretary of the WI has asked is it possible for the village hall to provide 2 chairs with arms for older members
A – Simon has agreed this is something that we can look to purchase perhaps with a contribution from the W.I.
Report from users
Two feedback reports received from the 2 choirs. Both of which complimentary of the facilities the village hall offers.
Appointment of members, Chairman, Vice Chair, Treasurer and Secretary
Chairman – Simon Lake (Parish Council representative)
Proposer Barry Swan, Seconded Neil Loadman
Vice Chairman – Trevor Hardingham
Proposer Simon Lake, Seconded Carole Swan
Secretary – Maria Mindham
Proposer Lesley Doherty, Seconded Steve Warriner
Treasurer – Carole Swan
Proposer Pauline Lake, Seconded Bill ?
The following committee members re-elected – Neil Loadman (Parish Council representative)
Trottie Kirwan, Steve Warriner, Lesley Doherty, Pauline Lake, Hazel Furness, Matt Bowley
New committee member – Steph Rowlands
Proposer Simon Lake, Seconded Lesley Doherty
Any other business